[From defunct site]
A simple guide to installing this little beauty
800XL Installation:
Remove or Desolder the OS ROM.
install the 28-pin DIP socket (in kit)
test 28-pin DIP connections by (temporarily) reinserting your original OS Rom - if ok - remove OS Rom from DIP socket, leaving DIP in place on board
Insert Warp+ OS upgrade board into 28-pin DIP socket
now the tricky bit... using the wire-kit included:-
Connect the WHITE wire to Connection point 'D' on the left side of R87 in the 800xl.
Connect the WHITE wire to Connection point 'R' on the left pad of R40 in the 800xl.
Connection point 'S' is the middle pad of three on far the right side of the board (see above - bottom middle left)
connect wire harness to the header on the OS board - RED wire should be the same side as the asterisk (*)
power up - screen should be dark-blue before showing either basic or self-test
65XE Installation:
see top row of photos below 130XE instructions
Remove or Desolder the OS ROM.
install the 28-pin DIP socket (in kit)
test 28-pin DIP connections by (temporarily) reinserting your original OS Rom - if ok - remove OS Rom from DIP socket, leaving DIP in place on board
Wire set includes 3 wires - two wire set connects to point "R" and point "S", Single wire set connects to point "D"
Connect the WHITE wire to Connection point 'D' on the right side of R87
Connect RED wire to Connection point 'R' on the top pad of R40 and/or R39
Connect the BLACK wire to Connection point 'S' on the top of R135 - just above the keyboard connector
connect wire harness to the header on the OS board - RED wire should be the same side as the asterisk (*)
power up - screen should be dark-blue before showing either basic or self-test
130XE Installation:
see bottom row of photos below 130XE intructions
Remove or Desolder the OS ROM.
install the 28-pin DIP socket (in kit)
test 28-pin DIP connections by (temporarily) reinserting your original OS Rom - if ok - remove OS Rom from DIP socket, leaving DIP in place on board
Wire set includes 3 wires
Connect the WHITE wire to Connection point 'D' on the right side of R87
Connect RED wire to Connection point 'R' on the top pad of R40
Connect the BLACK wire to Connection point 'S' - center pad in a group of three, just right ANTIC
connect wire harness to the header on the OS board - RED wire should be the same side as the asterisk (*)
power up - screen should be dark-blue before showing either basic or self-test
1200XL Installation:
Remove BOTH OS Roms from their sockets
Remove/desolder the 24-pin sockets and install the 28-pin sockets provided (ignore if your 1200XL already has 28-pin sockets)
test 28-pin DIP connections by (temporarily) reinserting BOTH original OS Roms - if ok - remove OS Roms
Remove MMU form its socket
Insert Warp+ OS upgrade board into 28-pin DIP socket
Remove or Desolder Jumpers W7, W8 and W9. Install these to W11, W12 and W13.
Remove jumper W6
On reverse of PCB link (using small length of wire) top pad from W6 location to pin 23 of the CPU.
Again on reverse of PCB, using resistor included - solder one end to pin 20 of PIA and other end to pin 11 of PIA
Place some under the resistor to prevent shorting out
Link (using small length of wire) pin 11 of PIA, where you just connected the resistor, and the other end to pin 18 of the MMU socket.
Your wiring kit should comprise of four wires, one red, two black and one white:-
Remove one black wire (cut at header - not needed) - doesn't matter which you remove
Connect the WHITE wire to the top pad of R59 (to the right of the keyboard connector)
Connect RED wire to to the top pad of R15. (just above/right of keyboard connector.
Connect the BLACK to the top pad of R123. (two positions to the left of red wire)
Taking new MMU (included in kit) and insert in old MMU socket.
Taking the BASIC EPROM (included in kit) and insert in the TOP OS-ROM socket, just below the cartridge port - will appear to be missing one pin. This is normal.
Take the OS upgrade board from its package and insert into the LOWER OS ROM socket.
Connect wire harness to the header on the OS board - RED wire should be the same side as the asterisk (*)
Power up - screen should be dark-blue before showing either basic or self-test
Using 32-in-1
Press SELECT on power-up to access OS Selection Menu.
Press SELECT+OPTION on power-up to access APE Remote Control Menu
Cold Boot (no need to power off) Press SELECT with RESET
The APE WARP+ OS menu includes APE WARP+ OS as an alternative operating system - providing "always available" high speed I/O and power user features not available in the standard XL/XE OS - even when playing games etc.
Ape Warp+ - provides permanent support for APE Warp+ 3X SIO - allowing for direct boot of disk images at 3x speed. - no need for any special Dos system to do so full USD operation with all Ultraspeed compatible devices - 1050's etc. These devices will boot at full speed, and games and apps on disks formatted with Ultraspeed sector skew will enjoy full ultraspeed performance at all times.
backward compatibilty with all standard (unenhanced) devices via dynamic switching Option to disable basic thru warp menu
Instructions are as per guide sent with my purchase from Atarimax. You attempt this upgrade at your own risk, I take no responsibility for any fault/damage arising from you doing so.
Manually Updating Your 32-in-1 Warp OS
If you have a universal programmer then you should be able to download the contents of the 512k PLCC - you'll need a PLCC adapter.
having raised (elsewhere) the issue of hacking this it appears after flashjazzcat initial breakthroughs and then further success by ndary an AAge member Nezgar has further dug into this beast. His digging around has probably made it easier for us "laypeople" to hack our own 32-in-1 without the need to use the webserver (which obviously won't be live forever).
remember - as always - you do so oat your own risk:
Jon flashjazzcat thoughts that OS information was obscured behind registers 2K block at $D000 were almost on the money.
Nezgar reveals:
Initially, you have 31 16KB OS roms stored sequentially, the final block being (32nd OS -menu/APE utility OS)
That final 32nd OS block also stores the labelling info for the main 31 OS items, so editing may be a relatively simple - albeit tediously protracted cut n paste job.
final Os $D000-$D799 is all 00's, with continuation@ $D800.
OS labes are visible @ $DCCD.
If you are at all unsure - seek help/guidance BEFORE proceeding, and refer to
for full details.
Not old. Vintage. :)
32-in-1 APE Warp + OS [Includes Install Guide]
A simple guide to installing this little beauty
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