{Recovered Atari Sector}
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Okay, this has been asked today.
The only way I know of to convert ATX to ATR is quite convoluted, but it can be done.
■ Atarimax SIO2PC-usb
■ Ape/Prosystem Software - registered version
■ VAPI.dll
► copy vapi.dll to your APE/Prosystem directory.
► load .atx file into Prosystem
► write out to REAL disk
► read in from real disk
► write out as .atr file
I'm not sure if this can be done with the non-registered version of APE/Prosystem, but give it a go
if anyone knows of a quicker/easier way, please add a reply to this thread
Post by 8bitbaz on Feb 6, 2019 at 3:24pm
Excellent method, Brenski.
I've got the unregistered version of APE/Pro so I must give it a go and feedback.
Nice work as like you I've heard plenty of groans from others that it can be a bit of a ball-ache.
All-in-all, that process seems as quick and easy to follow than most so it gets my thumbs-up.
I'll report back.
Post by Baker on Feb 6, 2019 at 11:08pm
One thing I have never gotten around to was getting the Vapi.dll in Ape directory to even use .ATX software...now that you have shown a straight-forward, if cumbersome way, I think I will give it a shot. Thanks вяейski ! I've got your little guide copied and saved via Notepad.
Though one possible hiccup in the requirements for me, but will attempt anyway; my 20-year old DIY SIO2PC is RS232. though since it's Prosystem, I have my 1050-to-PC side of my SIO2PC set-up via RS-232-to-USB cable & virtual com port, so maybe it will all work the same for me anyway.
Not old. Vintage. :)
Convert ATX to ATR
Quick guide for converting ATX files to ATR format
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