1. Not old. Vintage. :)

FTP Sites for Atari owners

Curated list of FTP sites for Atari owners and enthusiasts

{Recovered Atari Sector}
{Links edited due to previously pointing to dead links (thanks, Graham!)}
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Post by tiw on Feb 12, 2016 at 1:03pm

ftp.untergrund.net\users\ltk_tscc have downloaded fujiology and cdroms. 113GB- most up-to-date fujiology 2.1 I can find.
ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de\pub\ Some old atari and amiga stuff downloaded. 1.43GB
ftp.pigwa.net Have downloaded all I can find on here. 135GB
ftp.atarimania.com atarimania atarimaniaftp - upload site to Atarimania. Have downloaded everything that is currently here. 33.1GB
ftp. Demo Demo - marcer's ftp - Am downloading stuff from here at present. got about 5GB of about 70GB so far. See more at: ataricrypt.blogspot.co.uk/#sthash.7bXe3pZM.dpuf
atarimania.com Have downloaded all the atari documents from here. 13.2GB No direct way to download all files. Have to download singularly.
ftp.fi.muni.cz old site some atari stuff
ftp.funet.fi some atari stuff
ftp.funet.fi can't work out if it's useful
ftp.lip6.fr can't work out if it's useful
ftp.scene.org can't work out if it's useful
ftp.datavase.info (mid->8am) not found working yet.
fujiology kurobox.serveftp.net (port 3021) ??
So current new downloads come in around 300GB
Let me know of other ftp sites you have, please include logon and password.


Post by 8bitbaz on Feb 12, 2016 at 1:32pm
That all seems pretty extensive, Terry -
Well in, mate!

Haven't heard from Al Robofruit yet, whether he wants me to send on your portable USB hard drive packed to the gunnels with Atari niblets -
What say you, oh, fruit of the North?

If there's no interest - Thark, are you wanting a shufty, mate? - I'll return it you, Terry.


Post by 8bitbaz on Jan 28, 2017 at 10:22am
No worries, Paul.

We've all been around long enough to realise that there's no point getting on high horses and condemning folks for having 'non-originals'.

Hell, all that's long gone, surely? Maybe not in some quarters, by the sounds of it.

Yep, me and Baker are also on AtariAge but I rarely go on: I find it a great, occasional 'expert' resource, but IMHO there is no equivalent banter that you get from time to time on here.

I find it too often populated with guys who are just chatting about consoles which, personally, don't float my boat, so I'm not slagging it, rather I prefer the 'ambiance' here - it suits me, being a weird sod and let me also underline the very knowledgeable guys who contribute here: Brenski, Baker, Cercamon, Bakstra, Robofruit, Biker Bob, Thark etc and apols go to anyone whom I've missed.

Know what you mean about possessing many portable hard drives crammed full of archived Atari / retro material (same for my Oric/Sinclair and Beeb stuff).

On closer inspection, you do indeed find many GBs of identical files and directories. It's finding the time to do some serious 'weeding' and indeed 'feeding' one's appetite for curiosity and checking out the weird and wonderful that abound within.

A task for a rainy day in January, Paul!

Enjoy and hope to see you back on here on a more regular basis as we encourage guys like you to contribute as we find it interesting rather than a worry.

Cheers, fella.



Post by Baker on Jan 28, 2017 at 10:46am
I go by Gunstar on AA, so we've been in contact with each other over there many times Paul. I got sick of that handle long ago and have been using my last name on all other forums I visit, but on AA I would have to subscribe to be able to change my handle, and there just is not enough advantages, to me, to become a subscribing member on AA, so I'm still Gunstar there.

But as Baz said, this site is much different in content with posts of on going projects and in depth discussions and reviews and such that you just don't get over at AA, except maybe if you go into member blogs. here we have it all out in the open in forums instead of having to search member blogs and whatnot.

As far as "originals" go, I'm totally on-board to support authors of current hardware and software, mainly for 8-bit and Jaguar myself, but I think it is ridiculous to be against so-called "piracy" for stuff that is twenty, thirty or more years old and is long out of print and abandonware. If not for upload/download sites much of it would be lost forever. So no worries here about hacked software and such!​


Post by timothykline on Jan 28, 2017 at 2:23pm
Jan 28, 2017 at 5:27am @mclaneinc said:
Lo Lads, how much of what is on these are mirrors of each other, I've already had Pigwa's and kept an eye on it over the years but looking (like we all are) for the hard to find stuff which I've missed over the last 30years of collecting (and losing) stuff. There's always stuff you get people putting up on AtariAge which I've never seen before and if you know me I'm a collector extreme upload_2020-7-10_11-26-1.png

I've passed my stuff on a few times but its like a naughty question on Atari Age at times..

Hi there, Paul!

I can be pretty OCD about making sure every iota and tittle of Atari software I have come across goes into my personal archives, which came to include several other archives over the years. But the pigwa archive continues to elude me because there doesn't seem to be a way to mirror the collection, and I've never been able to get the FTP to work on that site, and have pretty much given up.

Another collection I wouldn't mind having is the Closer To Home archive. Oddly enough, I had it some years back but must've lost it due to a hard drive failure at one point since it's nowhere to be found.

I shudder at the thought of what it would take to go in and organize everything, but I do try my best to nowadays file it to the appropriate folder as I collect the files. upload_2020-7-10_11-26-1.png




if you give a til tomorrow, I'll zip PIGWA and and C2H
and dropbox 'em for you​


Post by Baker on Jan 28, 2017 at 4:23pm
Jan 28, 2017 at 5:27am @mclaneinc said:
Lo Lads, how much of what is on these are mirrors of each other, I've already had Pigwa's and kept an eye on it over the years but looking (like we all are) for the hard to find stuff which I've missed over the last 30years of collecting (and losing) stuff. There's always stuff you get people putting up on AtariAge which I've never seen before and if you know me I'm a collector extreme [​IMG]
I've passed my stuff on a few times but its like a naughty question on Atari Age at times..
Hi there, Paul!
I can be pretty OCD about making sure every iota and tittle of Atari software I have come across goes into my personal archives, which came to include several other archives over the years. But the pigwa archive continues to elude me because there doesn't seem to be a way to mirror the collection, and I've never been able to get the FTP to work on that site, and have pretty much given up.
Another collection I wouldn't mind having is the Closer To Home archive. Oddly enough, I had it some years back but must've lost it due to a hard drive failure at one point since it's nowhere to be found.
I shudder at the thought of what it would take to go in and organize everything, but I do try my best to nowadays file it to the appropriate folder as I collect the files. [​IMG]
Closer to Home was the home of ATOS, and it appears you and I both lost some valuable stuff from there with HD crashes. The good news on this end is that I still have every HD that ever crashed, I always kept them with the intent of recovering some of it at some point. I know there's some ATOS stuff that is still missing from what I sent Brenski to put it the archives here.

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