1. Not old. Vintage. :)
Timothy Kline

Z*Magazine: 22-Nov-86 #2.8

Z*Magazine: 22-Nov-86 #2.8

  1. Timothy Kline
    Article #30 (214 is last):
    From: xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Atari SIG)
    Newsgroups: freenet.sci.comp.atari.product.8bit.zmag
    Subject: Z*Magazine: 22-Nov-86 #2.8
    Reply-To: xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Atari SIG)
    Date: Mon Jul 5 09:42:29 1993

    Zmagazine November
    November 22, 1986 Issue 2.8
    Publisher,Editor in Chief:Ron Kovacs
    Zmag Staff:

    Assistant Publisher:Ken Kirchner
    Copy Editor:Alan Kloza
    Software Reviewer: Eric Plent
    Coordinator: Larry Mihalik
    Zmag Headquarters (New Jersey)

    The Syndicate BBS
    Post Office Box 74
    Middlesex, NJ 08846-0074

    (201) 968-8148 300/1200 24 Hours
    Xx Zmag 11/22/86

    This week...........

    <*> Fall Comdex Closes in Vegas--
    Atari Puts Its Cards on the Table!!

    <*> Visiting SIX--Sweden's Entry into
    the ZMAG Network!!

    <*> Antic-Analog Blues--Jack Lee's

    <*> Software Reviews

    <*> Star Raiders II

    <*> More Ram for Your Atari 8-bit

    <*> The Editor Speaks

    <*> Next week in Zmag

    <*> Zmag Systems List updated

    and more......

    Xx Fall Comdex--Atari Shows New

    We've got 2 reports on COMDEX, the
    computer trade show, that just closed
    in Las Vegas. The first report comes
    to us from Online Today, while the
    second is from Antic's Online

    The reports include highlights from
    the show--what's upcoming in the
    Atari 8-bit world and new ST products
    and developements. Finally, there's
    a general overview of Fall Comdex '86.

    Online Today OLT-3730

    (Nov. 14)

    LAS VEGAS -- Atari moved its software
    vendors booth to the main Comdex show
    floor this year and, like last year,
    became the most crowded display in the

    Standing-room-only cubicles offered
    software ranging from games to desktop
    publishing packages at bargain prices
    that would make any high-end business
    user jealous.

    While desktop publishing programs for
    the Apple Macintosh and IBM sell for
    $695 or more, those in the Atari booth
    seldom pushed the $200 mark.
    Publishing Partner from SoftLogik
    Corp., for instance, provides a $150
    package that supports point sizes up t
    144, several different fonts and type
    styles, word processing functions,
    internal graphics manipulation, and in
    addition to dot matrix printers, the
    Apple LaserWriter and
    Postscript-driven printers.
    Several computer design packages
    were offered for Atari systems with
    features similar to those of the more
    expensive packages. Here, too, the
    software was much less expensive -- of
    the 5 programs on display, prices ran
    from $49.95 to $199.95.

    For the game players, there were
    several cubicles ranging from airplane
    simulations to chess games. About 30
    booths were set up, with 1 vendor per
    space. The most "vocal" also was the
    largest. It featured a professional
    sound system and software for MIDI
    interface devices. Several keyboards
    were set up to demonstrate applic-
    ations for studio musicians.
    --Cheryl Peterson



    Permission to reprint or excerpt is
    granted only if the following
    line appears at the top of the article:

    LAS VEGAS - NOV 10, 1986

    Atari Corp. set up its crowded
    COMDEX exhibit near the
    entrance to the main hall of the Las
    Vegas Convention Center.
    Atari occupied a rectangular island
    measuring about 30 by 75
    feet. In that area it crammed not only
    its own products but
    those of 65 selected third-party
    developers. Things got so
    crowded that some of Atari's exhibitors
    had to take turns
    using the display space at one of the
    40 miniboooths.
    The resulting crush drew even more
    attention from gawkers.

    Casual eavesdropping often caught
    the two letters "ST"
    floating on the COMDEX air. People are
    again excited about
    Atari, and this time it's about
    computers, not game machines.


    In the hardware line Atari showed
    its new 1200 baud,
    Hayes-compatible modem, the SH212, and
    the new 80-column
    card, XEP80, for the XL/XE 8-bit
    computers. The long-awaited
    ST blitter chip was demonstrating
    some sensational graphics.
    It is to be released early in
    1987 as a $120
    upgrade, piggybacking on new ROM chips
    The SH212 modem is another
    price/performance breathrough
    for Atari. This fully Hayes-compatible
    300/1200 baud
    external modem retails for $99.95. It
    has an industry
    standard RS-232 interface port, making
    it plug-compatible
    with virtually all computers. Other
    features include
    internal speaker, autodial via pulse or
    tone, auto-answer,
    and full Bell 212A compatibility.
    Expect to see it in the
    stores around the 1st quarter of 1987.

    According to Atari president Sam
    Tramiel, Atari is
    bringing its philosophy of "Power
    Without the Price" to the
    wider peripheral market. That punchy
    motto may be on its way
    out though -- one Atari press release
    says the new tag line
    is "Technology So Advanced It's
    Affordable." Perhaps those
    words are only for the business market,
    to which Atari has assigned
    long-time Tramiel associate Sig

    The XEP80 is an 80-column board for
    the Atari XL and XE
    8-bit computers. It costs $79.95 (a
    dollar a column, says
    Atari's John Skruch, Associate Director
    for Computer
    Software). The XEP80 plugs into a
    joystick port and requires
    a monochrome monitor or black-and-white
    TV. Although no
    major word-processor programs now
    support 80-column format
    for the 8-bits, Skruch says that
    PaperClip, by Batteries
    Included, and AtariWriter Plus, by
    Atari, are being adapted
    for that purpose.


    Another 80-column board for the
    8-bit XL/XE computers
    was introduced here by ICD, Inc. of
    Rockford, Illinois.
    This board costs $99.95 and can only
    work as a piggy-back
    add-on to the company's Multi I/O
    external interface box for
    the XL/XEs. However, this card
    operates in 16 selectable
    colors (or monochrome) and requires no
    RAM from the computer.
    Multi I/O itself provides five
    valuable functions:
    RAMdisk (256K or 1 megabyte), parallel
    printer interface that
    accepts standard 850 cables, a serial
    printer/modem interface
    with the 850 handler built-in, a
    spooler, and a hard disk
    interface that supports up to 8 SASI
    or SCSI controllers
    simultaneously -- using either 5
    1/4-inch or 3.5-inch hard
    drives. Multi I/O costs $199.95 in the
    256K configuration
    and $349.95 for 1 meg.


    On the software side, Atari showed
    and announced its
    word processor for the ST called
    Microsoft Write. This
    package, to be shipped late this year,
    is a direct port by
    Microsoft of its Macintosh Word, V.
    1.05. It makes full use
    of type fonts, including
    proportionally-spaced fonts, and
    many special features pointing towards
    desktop publishing
    with a laser printer. Insiders expect
    Atari to offer an
    affordable laser printer in 1987.
    Microsoft Write will
    retail for $129.95 when it ships late
    this year.

    Xx Other Comdex Highlights

    Online Today OLT-3736

    (Nov. 14)

    LAS VEGAS -- After what appears to
    have been a most successful week,
    Comdex/Fall '86 closed this afternoon,
    with attendance figures likely to run
    as high as last year's.

    Occupying the Las Vegas Convention
    Center and several area hotels, Comdex
    has been the second largest trade show
    held in Vegas for the past few years.

    Surpassed only by the annual Winter
    Consumer Electronics Show, it was
    expected to bring 85,000 people to Las

    Comdex drew crowds despite the
    fact that several large vendors,
    including Apple Computers, chose not
    to exhibit. Ashton-Tate, Commodore and
    Software Publishing also stayed away.

    CD-ROM (Compact Disk-Read Only
    is a technology that is available, but
    few vendors offered information or
    programs of great usefulness on the
    disks, there seems to be little demand
    so far from users.

    Unquestionably, the talk of the show
    was desktop publishing and
    Computer-Aided Design. All-day semin-
    ars yesterday left the show floor
    empty by comparison with days earlier
    in the week. While discussions were
    held on other topics ranging from
    projected software hits of '87 to
    direct-marketing by phone, the semin-
    ars on these subjects drew the best
    attendance. The preponderance of
    hardware over software vendors was

    Comdex/Fall typically is a show with
    both hardware and software developers
    about equal in numbers. Last year's
    show had fewer software than hardware
    vendors, but the percentages seemed
    about 60/40. This year it seems closer
    to 75/25.

    While there may be a slump in the
    computer industry, it was certainly
    not evident here. How many of the
    companies showing this year will
    return for next year's show is any-
    one's guess. But it's been said that
    every booth for next year's show has
    been sold and sponsor Interface Group
    is looking at expanding again.

    --Cheryl Peterson

    Xx Swedish BBS Picks Up ZMAG

    After several correspondences via
    Compuserve, ZMAG Editor-in-Chief Ron
    Kovacs, has gone online with the
    latest and only overseas member of
    the ZMAG Network--The Sorman Infor-
    mation Exchange (SIX).

    As reported in last week's edition
    of ZMAG, the Swedish BBS will display
    our online magazine for their
    country's computer enthusiasts.

    This past week SIX was visited by
    Kovacs, who found the BBS quite easy
    to access despite the differences
    between telecommunication systems in
    the U.S. and Sweden.

    Surprisingly, most of the text on SIX
    is written in English. Consequently,
    there's not much difference between
    the Swedish BBS and one you might find
    here in the U.S..

    What follows are some excerpts from
    the overseas "visit" paid via the
    modem to SIX:

    Your last name? kovacs
    Searching userlog...
    Ron Kovacs, is that correct (Y or N)?y

    Where are you calling from? middlesex,nj

    Now enter a password you would like
    to use:

    Type it again to be sure I've got it
    correct-> ******

    Hello World

    Welcome, Ron Kovacs, from middlesex,nj!
    Connected on 11/17/86 at 04:06:19

    No messages addressed to you.

    New User Information

    Welcome to SIX!

    BBSs all around the world and large
    multi-user systems like CompuServe
    and BYTE Information Exchange are
    checked regularly. This means we can
    keep you up to date with the latest
    computer news - worldwide.

    Our Special Interest Groups, SIGs,
    provide you with public domain
    reviews, news etc. related to your
    computer. Of course each SIG has its
    conference (or message base if you

    Poor software will never be offered.
    Every piece of software is checked to
    of good value to our users. You don't
    want to spend download-time on
    garbage, do you? We are pleased to
    have you here. Have fun and enjoy!


    SIX Presentation
    Sorman Information AB decided to open
    Sorman Information eXchange in the
    fall of -86. Sorman Information AB, or
    Sorman Info for short, is a company
    specialized in technical communication.


    SIX runs on a Macintosh PLUS with 1Mb
    RAM, and a standard Hard Disk 20
    from Apple. The host software we run
    is "Red Ryder Host" by Scott Watson.
    It's a very good host system for use
    on a Macintosh. (You will find details
    on Red Ryder Host under the "ed
    Ryder Host Information" menu item".)

    SIX contains normal BBS sections as
    private mail, a general bulletin
    and chat with Sysop. In addition SIX
    contains a SIG area with open and
    restricted SIGs. All users have full
    access to all OPEN SIGs.

    SIX currently supports the following
    OPEN SIGs:

    Electronic Publishing
    8-bit Atari

    Atari ST

    Enjoy your stay and please return

    Lennart Olsson er Johansson Sysops)

    = SIX Main Menu =

    ew user information
    <*> Sorman online report
    nformation on this system
    ser specific variables
    isplay all users
    rivate mail
    ulletin board
    omputer news
    pecial Interest Groups, SIGs
    ell for chat with sysop
    oodbye for this time

    (50 minutes left) Command

    == Special Interest Groups, SIGs ==

    resentation of the SIG area
    lectronic publishing SIG
    acintosh SIG
    tari ST SIG
    <8>-bit Atari SIG
    elecommunications SIG
    uit to main menu

    === 8-bit Atari SIG ===

    onference messages

    rograms, documents, and news
    uit to SIG area

    (49 minutes left) Command (C,P,Q) ? P

    ==== 8-bit Atari Conference ====
    Moderator: sysop*Lennart

    heck for correct address
    rite conference message
    ead conference message
    ew messages since last call
    can all conference messages
    ptional read while scanning
    uit to 8-bit Atari SIG

    (C,W,R,N,S,O,Q) ? N

    Msg. #51 in **8-bit Atari Conference**
    Posted on 11/04/86 at 00:09:52
    Subject: Welcome!
    Hi all Atarians!

    This section (Atari8) will contain
    messages, programs, documents, and
    news pertaining the Atari community.
    Programs for download will be briefly
    described in this message area.

    PLEASE write a small description of
    programs or documents you upload!!!

    Msg. #112 in **Bulletin Board** Posted
    on 11/17/86 at 04:10:41
    Subject: Reply To 'FIRST caller'
    Hello Sweden, Lines look good and
    and there isnt very much noise! I
    am calling you direct from New Jersey
    USA. Read ZMAG and let us know what
    is happening around here!
    Take care and hope to call again
    Ron Kovacs
    Syndicate BBS
    "201" 968-8148 300/1200 24 hours

    Xx Antic Analog Blues Part 5

    BY:Jack H. Lee

    This article is to reply to an
    article Ken White had written in
    response to my commentaries about
    Antic in a previous issue of Zmag.

    I read Mr. White's article with
    surprise and amusement. First
    of all, I felt that he totally
    missed the point I was making about
    Antic. He attacked me as though I
    had killed a kitten. First of all,
    I was not criticizing Antic for
    coverage of the ST computers, as
    Mr. White might have thought. I
    was writing about my observations
    about Antic as it changed
    throughout the years. Part of the
    criticism was that Antic sometimes
    insulted the readers intelligence.

    Other than that, I was writing the
    article from an 8-bit owner's point
    of view, so I can see why Mr. White
    attacked me. I have nothing against
    the ST. Personally, I think the
    520ST and 1040ST are Atari's best
    computers since the 400 and the
    legendary 800. The ST is a very
    strong contender out in the market,
    and thanks to the excellent sales
    and capabilties of those computers,
    the competitors have tried to get a
    piece of the action. Apple for
    instance, released the Macintosh
    Plus computer, with more memory,
    storage space, and added features.
    With the release of it, Apple
    reduced the price of their
    Machintosh. Commodore has reduced
    the price of the Amiga, and threw
    in some coupons that will save
    buyers several hundred dollars for
    hardware and software. Looks like
    1983 all over again.

    Getting back the point, I think
    Antic is doing a good job with
    coverage of the ST, but like I
    said, I was not criticizing it. I
    was only making observations. I
    was not really taking any sides. I
    wrote the article so people, like
    Mr. White would voice their opinions
    about Antic. However, I did not
    expect to be attacked personally
    for what I wrote. The article was
    a generalized view point, so some
    people might agree with what I had
    said, while others would disagree.

    With Antic's disk+magazine, I did
    not mind the programs in the
    magazine or on the disk at all.
    With the case of the disk, I have
    always formatted the second side
    for my use, unless it was
    double-sided with 8-bit programs.

    Last of all, Mr. White, I was
    poking fun at Antic, NOT the ST. I
    criticized it about their contents,
    and how it went from great to
    so-so. The ST was definitely not
    one of the complaints. Sure, it's
    a good Atari magazine, but lately
    it has been run-of-the-mill. Since
    January of this year, Antic has
    attempted to portray the 8-bit and ST
    computers as serious computers by
    having a lot of utility/application
    programs and very little games.
    Games were what hurt Atari's
    image the most. People are turned
    off from buying an Atari, just
    because they thought all Atari
    computers could do was play games.
    I commend Antic on their attempt and
    hope that it proves to be successful.
    Afterall, they were a major factor
    in getting manufacturers to produce
    software previously not available
    for Atari. Now let's see if they
    can do the same thing for consumers,
    and get them to buy an Atari ST or

    Xx Software Review by Eric Plent

    By Gary Stark and Bruce Poelhman
    ATARI Corp.
    Sunnyvale, CA 94086
    48K Disk $19.99

    It's finally here. The long awaited
    STAR RAIDERS II, from the new Atari

    This sequel starts off where STAR
    RAIDERS I left off. The story goes
    like this: Having crushed the Zylon
    empire with your mighty power, you
    thought you had heard the last of
    them. They promised good behavior
    in exchange for you letting them
    settle on their home planet. Wrong,
    space cadet!. The Zylons are ready
    for more in this action packed

    Your job is to once again rid your
    star system of the nasty Zylon
    Warriors. When the game starts, you
    are treated to some nice battling
    music(if you can call it that), and
    a view from the bridge of the
    LIBERTY STAR. One thing you will
    notice right away are the graphics;
    They are the BEST graphics in a
    game I have seen in quite a while,
    and from Atari no less!. Good work,
    Jack!. Second, the game play is
    much better than the old STAR
    RAIDERS. It scrolls smoothly, and
    the Zylon ships look more like
    ships, rather then blobs. Speaking
    of Zylon ships, the manner in which
    they blow up is something to behold.
    If you hit the ship dead center, it
    will blow up right away. If you hit
    a wing, or some other edge of the
    ship, it will twist and fall,
    throwing up smoke in a long trail.
    It may even take a pot shot at you
    on the way down!.

    You can call up a map of your
    galaxy by pressing the SPACE bar.
    From that map you can chart a
    course to any of the planets with
    the pointer line, controlled with
    the joystick. If you choose a
    planet, you will see a report from
    the planet, telling if there are
    any Zylon ships, the name of the
    planet, and some other information.

    There are star bases at points
    around the galaxy. If at any time
    you need more fuel, a repair to
    your ship, or have to defend it
    from the Zylons, choose that star
    base with the pointer line, and
    press the FIRE button. Wooshh!..

    If any of the star bases are under
    attack, it will be blinking on the
    galaxy map. You don't want to lose
    any star bases, so I have found it
    best to defend them first, the
    planets second.

    Realism is high in many parts of
    the game. For example, if you hold
    down th FIRE button for too long,
    your cannon will overheat, and it
    will start to misfire. Stop firing
    for a second, and wait for the
    little bars to go down.

    The Zylon Star System is another
    thing all together. This is where
    your skills in battle are put to
    the test. When you HyperWarp into
    this galaxy, you are put in orbit
    around one of the smaller planets.
    As soon as you look into orbit, you
    will be attacked by a whole squad
    of Zylons. I have found it best to
    ignore them, because you will spend
    most of your time waiting for your
    cannon to cool down. Instead, press
    the "W" key for your bombing
    option. The cannon sights will fade
    out, and a single crosshair will
    replace it. By pressing the FIRE
    button, you can lob bombs on the
    Zylon bases. Destroy all the bases
    on all the planets, and you have
    won the game. Trust me, this is
    MUCH harder than it sounds!. I have
    not been able to get past the first
    planet of the Zylon system, and
    that much took me two hours!.

    For the amount of game you get for
    the money, STAR RAIDERS II is worth
    every penny. The game play is fast,
    shoot 'em up action that should
    keep you glued to the computer for
    many hours. (Not a hard thing to

    What else can I say?. Buy it.

    Eric Plent

    Xx Hardware Modification

    This hardware modification should
    be attempted only by those who have
    had some experience working with
    electronic boards and integrated
    circuits. If you are not confident
    of your abilities, ask for assistance
    from your User Group or a good TV/
    VCR technician.

    The object of this change is to
    enable the RAM at location $D600
    thru $D7FF that cannot normally be
    accessed. The RAM chips are "on"
    the buss during each machine cycle
    unless the -CI line from pin 16 of
    U3 [MMU] is low. This added circuit
    forces this line "on" during access
    to $D600 thru $D7FF addresses, which
    is all that's required to use the
    existing memory at that location.

    Dis-assemble your 800XL by removing
    the six Phillips-head screws from
    the bottom of the case. Carefully
    lift the right side upwards (with
    it still lying on its keyboard) as
    if you were opening a book.

    Disconnect the keyboard cable and
    set the top section aside. Remove
    all the screws from the main board
    and work it loose from the base.
    Take note of the location and
    sequence of the shielding while you
    are pulling it apart. Now to the
    fun part....

    Find the trace that connects pin 16
    of U3 to pin 10 of U18. At a suitable
    location, completely cut thru this
    line. Then, use a small piece of
    double-sided foam tape to secure a
    74HC20 IC to a clear area of the
    main board near U2 [74LS138]. Mount
    the chip on its back so that the
    pins point upward. (make sure you
    know which is pin #1!!) Using 30
    gauge wire-wrapping wire, connect
    pin 7 to the nearest ground (pin 8
    of U2 will do) and pin 14 to a
    nearby +5v point.(pin 16 of U2...)
    Wire pins 1,2,4, and 5 of the HC20
    to pin 16 of U3 [MMU]. Solder a wire
    from pin 6 (of HC20) to pins 9 and
    10 (of HC20). Add a wire from pin
    12 (of HC20) to pin 9 of U2 [LS138]
    and from pin 13 (HC20) to pin 7 of
    U2 [LS138]. Last wire goes from pin
    8 (HC20) to pin 10 of U18 [LS08].

    ALL DONE!!

    Try the board now, before you put
    it back together. Just plug in the
    power and monitor plugs and boot
    Basic. If it shows "READY", it is
    OK. Now, you can
    put everything back together and
    try the memory at $D600-D7FF. You
    will have 512 bytes all for your
    own use!!!

    Bob Woolley [75126,3446]

    FOR 1200XL OWNERS: Cut the trace
    between pin 16 of U14 and pin 1 of
    U11. Mount the HC20 near U16. Pin 16
    of U14 goes to pins 1,2,4 and 5.
    Pins 12 and 13 of the HC20 go to
    pins 9 and 7 of U18. Pin 8 of HC20
    goes to pin 1 of U11. All that
    really changes are the IC numbers
    and one of the pins (pin 10 of U18
    becomes pin 1 of U11).


    Xx The Editor Speaks

    You'll notice a new name on the
    masthead of ZMAG this week.

    Next to Copy Editor you'll find the
    name of Alan Kloza.

    Well, let me take a minute to
    introduce myself and explain what
    I'm doing here on ZMAG.

    Currently, I'm the sysop on the Surf
    City BBS (which you can find in the
    ZMAG Systems Listing) and I plan to
    edit each weekly issue of ZMAG. This
    week's edition marks my first
    attempt at the new job, so bear with
    me if you notice a few mistakes here
    and there.

    As I grow accustomed to the duties
    of editing this fine electronic
    newsletter, I think you'll find the
    changes made are for the better.
    I've kept this issue pretty much
    intact with its previous look and
    format but look for some innovation
    in subsequent editions.

    We're still trying to sort out the
    logistics of the situation.(Ron
    lives in Middlesex, while I'm down
    in Toms River, NJ) So we're trying
    to figure out a way to hook up a
    "newsline" between the two systems
    that will insure that ZMAG remains
    current and fresh.

    In any case, I hope you enjoy this
    edition of ZMAG and if you have
    suggestions or comments, be sure
    to let me know. Until next week...
