1. Not old. Vintage. :)

Anyone getting an Evercade EXP

Discussion in 'SIG: Games (PC, Console)' started by Vyper68, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    As it says on the tin anyone planning on pre-ordering one on September 6th? @nysavant I’m looking at you :)
  2. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Too expensive for my taste, also I'm not much of a traveller, so I have all of that here already. Looks nice though, just no use for me, BUT you know Al will be dribbling. Sometimes I watch the mini machines being reviewed by Team Pandory, but as cute as they look there's nothing that pulls me in, in fact the last one they looked at had serious latency issues making it almost pointless.
    Vyper68 likes this.
  3. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    Hi guys
    Sorry I'm late to respond. My interest in the Evercade waned greatly due to the lack of new releases coming out that interested me. Once I played Sensi and a couple of the arcade titles pretty much to death I ended up trading them in to my friends retro shop. So at the moment, no Evercade in the Al-Cave and no plans to add one again.

    Are you thinking of getting one Richie?
  4. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    I think it's safe to say that Richie has one on order..

    I've looked at the evercades and I was going to get a Snes one a while back as it's the only cart that supports all the SFX chips etc but the cost was just too much when I can emulate day in, day out..
    Vyper68 likes this.
  5. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    I'll by original equipment always, I don't care for console/computer "remakes." I only buy new gadgets to add on to the original equipment. If I ever do by something new, it would only be the Atari VCS 800 if the price ever drops so I can have an Atari branded PC in console form factor. The Atari side of things would just be bonus and I'd use the PC side for Steem and such. But even that is not likely. I thought I was going to be gifted one, but my buddy seems to have changed his mind about it all since he can't just walk into a store, buy one, and walk out. Even Best Buy electronics (largest US chain) you have to place orders, none in stock to carry out.
  6. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    I have my Lynx 2 with my Ben Venn SD, and my Atari and Nintendo consoles but I’m maxed out on space now so having some emulation for some systems works for me. I would like original hardware for everything but I have to pick and choose carefully.
    M.D.Baker and nysavant like this.
  7. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Ah, there's always room for just one more ;)
    M.D.Baker and Vyper68 like this.
  8. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    I have a SNES Mini it’s a neat little thing, mine was a Birthday present though. I don’t think I would have bought one myself. I don’t know what emulation it’s running under the front end but I imagine it’s a heavily adapted open source one.
  9. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    I understand limited space as a cause for multi-system emulation. I'm at full capacity myself now, I just want to add 3 more consoles eventually and that's it for retro, new or otherwise for me; all Sega systems: Master System, Mega Drive (w/CD&32X of course) and Saturn.

    But honestly besides those, I already have too many consoles and computers and their software for the time I have to spend with them. I've never even played about 75% of the games I have between all my systems now (people keep giving me old console games, and I accept, whether I like them and will ever play them or not). One day I'll probably organize and sell off most of the software given me I don't have much interest in, most are Xbox/360/PS1/PS2/PS3 discs. I'll just keep a couple dozen games that I like a play for each system and that's it, and still probably not find time to play most of those.

    Only my vintage 8-bit computers (Atari and Coco 2) I'll collect boxed games for the sake of a library collection. My vintage consoles I have some type of SD device with the entire libraries on the SD cards for most, or I have stacks of CDR's of copied games for my Dreamcast and 3DO and Jaguar CD.

    Plus, with my original Xbox and Dreamcast I have emulators for them for all the other vintage systems too, so again, no need for another box that emulates systems. Really, I may not even bother with the Sega Master System and Mega Drive either since my Dreamcast has emulators for them and Amiga, ST, Atari 8, C64, Spectrum, etc., etc. The only vintage Sega system the DC or original Xbox can't emulate (that I don't already own original consoles for) is the Saturn, so it may be my last original console for that reason and lack of space.

    Which, by the way, if any of you are interested in physical discs for various Xbox and Playstation consoles I can make a list of the titles I have had given to me (some doubles, etc, too) and I'd be happy to pay it forward and send any of the regular members here what ever you want for free, or possibly just for shipping costs if I'm sending someone a stack of a dozen games or something. One or two games I'll even cover shipping myself. But I won't bother listing them unless someone shows interest in what I have. Lots of TOP games, just not ones I'm interested in.
    nysavant likes this.
  10. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    Especially if it's a Sega Saturn...there is just something about the Saturn and 3DO and Jaguar underdog/failed consoles that I love to death! But I already have the 3DO and Jaguar...

    I used to have a Saturn and quite a collection of games and hardware (including 3D controller, steering Wheel, flight yoke) but I made the huge mistake of selling it all off for a Dreamcast and a couple of games when it first came out. I was short on cash and wanted a DC bad, but I made a very bad deal for all I had for what I got in return and have regretted that ever since! For about 23 years now...
    Vyper68 likes this.
  11. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Have a look at the Retrobits YT channel, he's just ordered one via a Japanese version of ebay and saved quite a lot of money and got games at silly (cheap) monies..
    M.D.Baker likes this.
  12. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    Saturn is one of my favourite consoles but I'm finding the emulation on a PC using Mednafen really good. I'd recommend it to anyone.
    Vyper68 likes this.
  13. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Never had one, my brother did and I borrowed it once for Panzer Dragoon (think that's the name), oddly, they did an excellent follow up on the Xbox360. But the Retrobits guy brought a few bits and saved a fair whack with just 2 day shipping from Japan (there are a few days for it to arrive at the forwarding agent but miles better than Aliexpress :)

    I would have got a Saturn back then but all the shooters bar a couple were ported to the PSX or later, on the 360.
  14. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    You chose a Sony PSX over a Sega Saturn back in the day?!?


    J/K, as you may know, my 90's "next gen" system was the Jaguar, though I didn't get one until early '95, it was still before the Playstation or Saturn had been released and my choices at the time for a state-of-the-art console were either getting a MegaDrive (Genesis) and 32X combo, 3DO or Atari Jaguar (Amiga 32 was WAY under my and the gaming magazine's I read radar) and being an A8 user at the time, skipping the 16-bit generation, I had been watching the development of the Jaguar since '91 and knew the company Flare 2 were ex-Sinclair engineers so there was never really any other choice for me. Especially since the 3DO was selling for $700 and the Jaguar $250, and the combination of a Genesis and 32X would have been slightly more expensive than the new 64-bit Jag console.

    By the time the Saturn and PSX arrived I had spent hundreds already on my new Jaguar, plus the '95 Christmas season brought all the best Jaguar games that all were as good as any 1st gen Saturn or PSX games, with even more incredible Jag games on the horizon in development (little did I know just the dire straights Atari was in at the time and that most of those next gen Jag titles would never see the light of day) I had little interest in another next-gen console, expecting to be using my Jag for the next several years at least, especially since the CD add-on was released for X-mas '95 too, so I got it ($150).

    By '96 and the realization that Atari was going under the 3DO had been discounted to match the competitor's pricing closer, and in fact I found a used one on sale for $99! And it had many of the slated Jaguar titles already out for it too! So it was a natural choice for me, to get as a second next-gen console to compliment the small Jaguar library and get the games I had been reading about in development on the Jag&CD and save a couple hundred dollars not paying full price for the Saturn and PSX for $300 at the time.

    Of course I also didn't realize that the 3DO was also a failure and it would go under at the same time as the Jag. But development had been quicker on the 3DO so it had about 150 games out for it, and the Jag with it's ~75 cart&CD library so between the two, there were enough next-gen game choices to keep me satisfied until the Saturn 2 or PS2 were released. Which is exactly what I waited for; of course the Saturn 2 was the Dreamcast. I had the benefit of getting all Jaguar and 3DO games on clearance for a few dollars a piece, so that made up for the $500 I spent on the Jag/JagCD/3DO combined over '95/96.

    But, about a year before the release of the Dreamcast the Saturn was highly discounted and games going on sale in the bargain bin too. So I picked up a Saturn after all, in late '97. But after collecting for it for 2 years I traded all the Saturn stuff in for the Dreamcast and a few games in '99. The DC being the last console I ever bought new. My Sony and Xbox machines I've owned or own now were all given to me from my brother as he jumped to the newer consoles with no interest in keeping the old like me.

    So no N64 or PSX at all until after I got my Xbox from my brother when he upgraded to the 360. I didn't care for the N64 when I picked one up and had never been a Nintendo fan anyway, always preferring Atari and Sega. And eventually I was given a PSX, PS2 and PS3 as well as the 360. I sold the PSX and PS3, keeping PS2.

    I've always wanted to get the Saturn back though...I did get a Genesis/CD/32X at one point too, but sold it, though in that case I needed the money and the combination was worth a bit. But I have thought about getting them again too...through it all though, my favorite "next gen" consoles have remained the Jaguar&CD, 3DO and Dreamcast through it all an in that order...the Saturn is my favorite #4.
  15. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Yup I grabbed a PSX, remember I was back running a shop (computer store) by then and got it at trade (saved almost nothing in all fairness) and Ridge Racer just blew me away. I wasn't much of a Sega person, the master system and MD were ok but I loathed the FM sound, don't get me wrong, it had excellent titles on the MD and I emulate it these days. When I saw the Saturn I was ok with it but it was just a bit too much money at that point. Story of my life, sometimes I had mega amounts of money and the Tax man loved me but mostly it's been having too little, but I'm fine with it all, getting cancer very early in my life made me not really value the future, I lived for the day (just in case).

    The 3DO never even tempted me, even with EA behind it I just felt Trip Hawkins had made a mistake, and I guessed right (for once), the silly thing was that pretty much all the titles that came out for it were ported to other machines so it never really had a killer app that you could only get from it..Big mistake..

    The N64 was another machine that just did nothing for me, I took one home and gave it a bash and apart from the incredible Mario, everything else was pretty meh, also the bloody fog to hide the poor draw distance was just wrong. I had a PS2 back then but I didn't (at the time) get the same feel that I had with it's little brother, Devil May Cry was great tho and after I sold the PS2 quite a few really excellent titles popped up that were only on the Sony machine, hence I got one back in later years.

    I went the Xbox route initially but I've always gone where the games were, no brand loyalty from me, I see it as a pretty silly way to be. One of the people Jason / TMR worked with was a mega Atari fan boy, never had a good word to say about anything Commodore or indeed, any other machine. I believe Rob was the same right up to before Jason passed.

    Almost forgot, the Dreamcast was a cost based buy, when it started to bomb they were punting them out at Currys for silly cheap money, I'd liked the machine but could not afford it at the time, but when it dropped, me and a mate were straight out and got one, and with the advent of cracked games that didn't need a boot disk made it an even better buy (I still own a few real titles to this day (and a DC of course)

    So no, never went the Saturn route, I'd possibly buy one if it came up really cheap, but unless you shop in say Japan, the cost is way too high.

    The real truth is that I don't have the place for all these machines I already own, getting more would just be daft until I win the lottery..

    Would I get another console, I very much doubt it, I have loads of real PS4 titles that I have barely touched (some with only an hours play at the most) so a PS5 sounds fun but it would probably just gather dust (don't have the cash anyway but even if I did I think I'd still give it a lot of thought)

    Mind you, my neck problems really affect my ability to play, so it's not just about my mojo, it's the health side as well.(I do play but very limited)
  16. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    When I moved to 32 Bit consoles after my Amiga A1200 became old hat I got a new job so I treated myself to a 3D0 ( Goldstar not Panasonic ) so that was my first CD based console, games like Return Fire, Captain Quazar and Killing Time were great fun. I picked the 3D0 towards the end when they were selling the consoles off for £170 in a local independent store. So after a year the 3D0 was discontinued, I had already owned a Jaguar for Tempest 2K and Alien v Predator prior to the 3D0 and the Jag Doom was much, much better than the 3D0 version ( and the Saturn tbh ).
    So I sold off my Jag and 3D0 and bought a Saturn and that was my main console all the way to the Dreamcast launch which was my next console. I thought the Saturn was a great machine, with the extra RAM in the cart slot playing 2D games it beat the PS1 hands down, 3D wasn't so easy and a lot of developers struggled. There were studios who were able to get both CPU's to work in sync like Lobotomy ( I owned all 3 games Exhumed/Powerslave, Duke Nukem & Quake ). It did get a bit frustrating seeing all these games coming out on the PS1 but there were still plenty of games for the Saturn. The last game I bought for the Saturn was a game called Deep Fear which these days goes for a ridiculous price.
    I bought the Dreamcast at launch and got the Keyboard soon after. Playing Quake 3 online with my Brother was my first experience of online gaming as was pretty neat. I really loved my Dreamcast but just when I hoped they were getting going they threw in the towel and the juggernaut called the PS2 took over. I saw the writing on the wall and mothballed my Dreamcast and got a PS2 ( I still have my fat PS2 with me to this day ) Having the PS2 I went back and tried some of the PS1 exclusives and versions of games I had owned for the Saturn, some were better, some worse.
    I have never been truly committed to the PlayStation brand, I guess that feeds into the idea that I always go for the underdog but I have to admit buying a Saturn at the beginning I had expectations that it would be as successful as the MegaDrive. Less so with the Dreamcast but I still had hope. So when the Xbox was released which was kind of a Dreamcast v2 I bought one straight away and have been an Xbox user from then on.

    So I'm not entirely sure what was the point of this ramble but short point was I liked the Saturn as well :)
    nysavant likes this.
  17. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    To be fair, all the Studio 3DO games (Killing Time, Star Fighter, Battlesport, etc.) were 3DO exclusives until Trip saw the writing on the wall for his 3DO and only after that did these titles get ported to the PSX and Saturn.

    Like @Vyper68, I've always been a sucker for the underdogs too, Atari being the only company I was a fan of (but not exclusive necessarily). And Nintendo was the only company I ever avoided like the plague; first because I had a Atari 7800 console and Nintendo's exclusivity policies were just plain wrong, using dirty tricks like that, when not even needed, to beat the other console companies, and second because I was too old for most of what I considered "kiddy games" when the NES came out and I've always loathed Japanese style "cutesie" cartoon graphics and anime, and it seemed most Nintendo games were styled in that way (Sega too, with the Master System anyway, that changed with the Megadrive though) and third because I was already tired of Mario who never did it for me anyway, with Donkey Kong, DK Junior and Mario Bros all of which I had for the 7800 and Atari 8-bit. Mascots have never been my thing, I never liked Sonic much either.
  18. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    I never got on with Sonic myself, it was fast, pretty etc, but it just never grew on me. Even after it jumped to 3D, I just looked and never played for more than a few mins. Sadly for Trip, the writing on the wall came a lot sooner than expected..

    Had a NES that was given to me by my brother, but the games were just too expensive and like you Matt, I looked and saw a lot of kids stuff that just put me off. I think I gave the NES and the Zapper away to someone. The SNES however pulled me back towards Nintendo, and I've been a fan since. When I first saw the SNES I had my Amiga 1200 and I was down at a mate's console shop in Carnaby St where he showed me Mario. I remember smugly telling him that my 1200 could do that, no problem. How wrong I was. The SNES introduced me to Zelda, and I'm loved that series ever since, epically smart gaming mixed with sumptuous graphics and orchestral music..Just wonderful.

    I brought many a game (mostly second hand) from a stall in East Ham until I ended up working in said computer shop (why buy when you can borrow) and then I got my Super Wildcard. Almost brought a Gamecube while on holiday in Florida because Metroid was about to drop, but I worried about a step up Xfromer, customs and the like so waited till I was back in the UK. That and the Dreamcast were probably my worst purchases simply because of the limited number of games out, but what games that came out were stunning, Super Mario Sunshine (that I still play to this day), As said, Metroid, Zelda and about 12 others were great choices that are still sat here.

    The 3 early Atari consoles, I passed on all of them, the 2600 just felt too childish, the 5200 had all the good games ported to the computer and the 7800 was just too late..
    M.D.Baker likes this.
  19. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    I agree, the 2600 was too childish, but I was still a child when it came out. But nostalgia or no, it's still to simple and childish for me to play, I have one because I've had it for decades and back then everyone had one. But as soon as I possibly could I moved up to better systems, which happened to be the Atari 8-bit and 7800. If I'd been rich, I probably would have owned a C64 and Master System back then too and moved to 16-bit ST or Amiga but I wasn't so my 8-bit and 7800 were the systems I picked and lived with until I was an adult and could finally afford to buy the latest greatest when I wanted. That's when the Atari Jaguar and 3DO first appeared.
  20. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    I don't want to be too hard on the 2600, I'm sure there are some cracking games on the 2600, but because of my age at the time I felt it was more appealing to younger than me. I'd already had the pong games and the early tank games on machines, so the initial games on the 2600 looked more of the same to me.

    Shame you didn't have a C64 back at that time, it was getting so much support and interest back then. Looking at one now does not give the feeling it had back in the day, it was a thriving scene with loads of people my age fussing over it. Looking at the older machines now with the hindsight of already seeing what was to come and is current takes some of the edge off the older machines as they seem to be lacking compared to newer stuff. That spoils it a bit as when they were new they were the bee's knee's (odd saying), new, lots of new stuff and great fun. As I had one back then I can almost (but not fully) return to that period in time and get excited if I find a demo I'd not seen or a game I'd forgotten about. Hence I wish you had one back then. Thankfully some folk (and I hope you are one) can mask off the new stuff and just enjoy the machine for what it is without thinking "well the amiga did that better".
    M.D.Baker likes this.

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