Has anyone got a Chelco 1010 Cassette deck - I picked one up on eBay last week fairly cheap as faulty but with a mint case. Needs a new sprocket as the old one has split. So really just need a working mechanism. I have asked Bradley for a quote for a new mechanism but if anyone has a beat up 1010 they would part with it would be easier for moi Richie.
I'll have a skeg for you, Richie. Stay tuned to this frequency How's the weather your way, mate, a bit feisty??
Only got a mega old 410 here. A mate gave me it, never used it. Not even got a PSU for it (one of those that took a lead off the old 400 PSU's.
Yeah it has been a bit hairy up here, we had around seven inches of snow fall then it turned to drizzle and it started melting and also started to rain so now we have flooding. Thanks for having a look as well Andy.
Dug out, looks good. No way to test it, as I explained it needs a 3.5 jack from the old style PSU's. Wasn't given the lead, nor have a multi adaptor with 6V on it. (centre pin pos) 300ma.
Hi Rich. I've found one 1010 but I thought I had two. If I find the other then of course you can have it but so far... it aint surfaced/may have gone with one of my 600XL/800XL/XE sales last year so Paul's 410 looks the best bet right now. Good luck with the repair, fella.