Sadly Mr Hancock has a face that just needs the tash to be Adolf, add to that his contempt towards the lower classes, and you have the perfect Aryan in Hitlers thought process...
As you say, the notion that they think we are all dead in the head just belies their utter ignorance of the common person.
I saw a guy on Question Time just savage the Tory party, especially for their allegiance to Johnson despite knowing he was way in it over his head and unfit for the job. The infighting that we now can read about just shows what a shambles they are, Hancock declared an idiot and a "liar", Johnson as "bumbling". Yet Silver Spoon man, Rhys-Mogg says he was a brilliant politician, mind you, getting a Knighthood can make you like a person.
And now, someone who was pissed that she didn't get her promised Knighthood, slapper Dorries. Well now she has a book with more secrets promised, will she dish on Johnson or stay loyal...A woman scorned and all that..
Personally, if these arses were on fire, I'd not cross the street to piss on them....They deserve nothing but contempt..
But will Sunak stay with the sinking ship, or bail out while his head is above water...
Not old. Vintage. :)