Saw this and was immediately impressed, fellas. I know the ol ZX aint everyone's cuppa tea but like a comment said on the You Tube channel, "If you had released this back in the day, you would have earned a fortune!" It's aint bad for an old monochrome and silent box of tricks:
Actually that is bloody sweet, I'd have brought that in a heartbeat back then. Thanks for the show Andy.. Also, a nice Hires Invaders on the same site..
I'm constantly amazed, Paul, how folks push our dear old machines to their absolute limits. Yes, the Invaders also looks class. I like the look of the colour unit which can be added and with a bit of editing, you can even bring some of the old classics back to enhanced life with a bit of jiggery pokery with this sweet add on: A device called CHROMA81 turns the old b&w classics into colour versions which aint that far off Speccy quality (if you like that kinda thing... purists might not!) and the product itself is reviewed here at about 18:30 - neat neat neat (if you've some spare dosh burning a hole in your retro pockets - mine are devoid of even bum fluff!)
I would have loved that version of Pac-Man for my T/S 1000 16K back in the day! I almost did a legacy color upgrade in an ad I saw for one in an edition of Timex/Sinclair User magazine back in the day. About the same time I was looking to upgrade it with an after-market keyboard & case and one of those Memopak 64K memory modules, and also a sound upgrade and a joystick adapter to plug in with the Memopak memory too. I would have done it all too, even though I knew there was no more support and I'd be hard-pressed to find software for it, but their were a couple of classified ads in the back of T/S User mag from places to order ZX81 tapes from in the U.K. But as I've told you guys before (long time ago), what stopped me was finding out it would be $200 dollars for the keyboard with case and Atari 130XE's with 128K were selling brand-new for $150. And I'm so glad I did...the rest is history.
That pacman looks sweet Just amazing what can be done on machines like the ZX81 and our beloved Atari's.
Just tried the pacman on Eightyone, the best ZX emu out there and it shows the title screen but goes wonky in game. I have no clue what needs to be set apart from 16K ram pack, tried a few options but always the same. Maybe the emu does not support the trick they use to cheat the ULA.