1. Not old. Vintage. :)

Most liked posts in thread: It's better to burn out, than to fade away, Kurgan, Highlander

  1. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Clint is indeed timeless, Gran Torino is just an old Harry Callahan in truth and the numerous reasons he's called Dirty Harry with the most fun one because he hates everyone, black, Jews etc etc till he gets to 'Spics' and Harry says because the guy saying it is one "especially spics"

    So many quotable lines..But unusable today and for good reason.

    The FX guy I spoke about also did the fx for Tarzan with Lambert, yep loved Fortress. First saw Kurtwood Smith in Robocop as Clarence Boddiker, wonderful role for him, next time I saw him was Rambo II, great actor although Rambo films didn't really show his class.

    Beowolf, not seen it but memory is saying its a CG thing with Angelina Jolie and Ray Winstone?

    Been trying to convince Hugh Jackman on Twitter to take over the dirty Harry role if it was up for use, he would be a PERFECT DIrty Harry!

    He won't bite tho, yet!
    Timothy Kline likes this.
  2. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Now you are talking, 300, loved it, part two, good but not as...Brill use of tech in 300, one sound stage an at least 3 ZX81's doing the CG, possibly an Oric as well...

    And yeah, a guys film for sure but loads of homoerotic over tones thrown in, lol..

    When Sersee's or whatever his name was put his giant hand on whats his names shoulder I thought there was a shish kebab on the way!

    Actually make that a burger, meat between 2 buns...
    Timothy Kline likes this.
  3. by Timothy Kline
    Timothy Kline

    Timothy Kline Administrator Staff Member

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    Oh man, Highlander has been a fave of mine since I first encountered it in the days of VHS. Was the first time I ever saw the downside of immortality addressed, really: it's great to live forever, but what happens when you fall in love and that person dies, and then you fall in love again and that person dies, too... and the cycle keeps repeating for a couple centuries. :confused: o_O :eek:

    Anyhoo, the expression originated (evidently) with Neil Young. Still... apropos. :cool:


  4. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Yes, its a surprisingly deep film, its one of those films that no matter how many times we have seen it that we always watch if its on, that and Firefox which again watched last night. Firefox is just good old silly fun and if memory serves me was the first film Clint Eastwood also directed..
  5. by Timothy Kline
    Timothy Kline

    Timothy Kline Administrator Staff Member

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    I haven't seen Firefox in ages. Since it was a "thing" and that's been a bit of time. Clint Eastwood, however, is timeless. Never got into the Dirty Harry movies, but enjoy his western movie appearances especially.

    Christopher Lambert was fantastic as Raiden in the first Mortal Kombat out of Hollywood.

    Tarzan was another excellent role for him.

    And another cult fave of mine with Christopher Lambert is Fortress. Love that movie, and that was my introduction to Kurtwood Smith before the nonsense that came later in the form of That 70's Show. Blech!!

    I'm sure you've watched Beowulf, another decent role for Mr. Lambert.

  6. by Timothy Kline
    Timothy Kline

    Timothy Kline Administrator Staff Member

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    Indeed, the very one.

    I don't know if the CGI's held up with time because I haven't seen the movie in years now. But I remember enjoying it enough to watch it some 3-4 more times after that. :cool:

    Beowulf satisfied me until 300 and I met, though. Such a guy flick, but cool. The follow-up wasn't half bad, either.
