1. Not old. Vintage. :)

Never organise LOTS of files on a 128G Flash drive!!

Discussion in 'SIG: 8-Bit Software' started by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

    Blog Posts:
    Decided to make the ultimate C64 software collection from my all over the place directories. Sorted the collating and stuck it on a 4TB Passport drive that is seen but not accessible but the 1541 U++. Tried exFAT and NTFS. I then decided to dig out a big flash drive and as I had a few 128GB ones I used one set it to exFAT and it as seen and could be used. Its a USB 3.0 so I thought it would be reasonably fast...WRONG...

    The Xfer is dog slow because its all tiny files so it never gets up to full bandwidth, that and the drive stops every few secs to update itself.

    But being pig headed I carried on and got all the software on which took forever but I'd not thought it through and getting the Ultimate to read a directory with a hundred thousand files in was just grinding the cart to a halt.

    So I'm now going through the directories creating multiple sub dirs with their own child dirs to break the folder file numbers right down. And that's when you think a simple move from main dir to sub will be fast...NO, wrong again. Doing it on a flash drive is painfully slow with the number of files I have..

    Had the files been bigger it would have been faster..

    I think I might be in this chair for several years..

    It will be nice when its done but I may be too old and senile to use it by then..

    To give you a clue, I'm on the D64 files, the first set I started on, I'm only on the letter C at the moment and that's before I start splitting the sub sets down.........C....bloody Nora

    What have I started....
    nysavant likes this.
  2. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    I've been doing a similar re-arranging for my CF card HDD's on Incognito and 1200XL w/MyIDE II, but luckily in my case I can do all the re-arranging on my PC and then just plug the CF cards back into my Atari's, so not nearly as bogged down as you it seems, but still, it took a while to move all the files to sub-directories between between windows on the PC and then saving it all to the CF cards afterward.
  3. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Yep, in hindsight I would have done that, never thought it was going to be so slow..

    I've started now so may as well finish, no rush and very little better to do :)

    Thankfully the D64 dir is by far the biggest on the drive although the PRG dir is pretty large in numbers too..

    Should have given it more thought, as should this lady..

    M.D.Baker likes this.
  4. by Andy Barr
    Andy Barr

    Andy Barr Captain

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    Nick, nick, nick...

    What a silly gal.
  5. by M.D.Baker

    M.D.Baker Chief Officer

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    On the other hand, getting stuff off the PC onto my SpartaDOS X APT partitions on Incognito and MyIDE II and organizing those partitions with directories and sub-directories so as not to go over file-per-directory limits and whatnot is quite the slow process because I have to do it via SIO either with SIO2PC on the 1200XL and SIO2BT w/Fujinet or from the SD card on Fujinet on the 800, and even with enhanced divisor speeds. Since they aren't FAT partitions and can't be read by a PC. But now that I think about it, even in that case. That's probably more like what you are dealing with. I just haven't done that in a while. Since I got my MyIDE II CF card all set up a few years ago. Because I have never yet actually formatted and partitioned a CF card specifically for Incognito Side loader because my CF card from MyIDE II works fine with it, except for the roms on the FAT partition as Side Loader doesn't handle cartridge roms like MyIDE II Fat32 loader can.
  6. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Oddly I've just hit a similar thing, whatever way exFAT works my Ultimate won't see disk images that are attached, I can find them on the drive via the ultimate and mount them but when I try and boot them it acts like there's no disk attached. Oddly carts work fine, it seems that anything that isn't a one part load is just ignored..

    FAT32 is fine but I can't format the big flash to that under windows.

    My project seems doomed ;)
    M.D.Baker likes this.
  7. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    And from the ashes the mighty fiery phoenix roars again...

    FAT32, that was the answer, all works with FAT32 and its faster...(Needed to find a better formatter online)

    Now doing the boring task of sorting in to workable size dirs, if you don't manage that then it takes ages to read a directory which makes the experience a bit boring..

    Giving it a break as my neck is sore as hell from staring at the screen....

    All this and its a nice day out side, my pillocks above have been bashing the floor but its a means to an end for me. Better news, Cindy got her jab notice because she's a carer and looks like i'm on the next wave of call ups..

    Won a fiver and a free lucky dip on Weds Lottery but managed to drop a tenner at the supermarket (I think it was there) but then got a 25.00 cold weather payment so I'm still up on the deal :)
    Andy Barr likes this.
  8. by Andy Barr
    Andy Barr

    Andy Barr Captain

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    Nice methods, Paul - all in all, yep, I think yer in credit with the day and the great spring sunshine weather out there is a massive boost for us all - life's x10 times better when the winter's behind us and the summer still ahead.

    Things are looking up, folks...
    nysavant likes this.
  9. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    All very true my friend...

    I'm back to hitting a snag on the C64 files, even if I put 200 prgs in a folder its causing a big blowdown yet I can have 1000+ d64 and it's almost instant to read the folder. I'm presuming its the small file size that is the issue but can't work out why. Surely small files are quicker to read / count?

    Any way, I sit here playing some of my fave music with a bright blue sky while my neighbours kids sit on the balcony for hours just screaming while she ignores them. They seem to be driving her mad (as they are to us) but she refuses to engage them or go to the park on a lovely day.

    The kids are very clearly ADHD and she can't or refuses to understand that the park will relax them...

    Very loony woman..

    Can't hear them with the music tho :) and its not so loud it's an issue :)

    Certainly quieter than the kids...Still need to wire the surround up, see how she like my sub bass instead of the PC speakers (which are pretty meaty)
    Andy Barr likes this.
  10. by Andy Barr
    Andy Barr

    Andy Barr Captain

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    Give them kids something to really wail too - engage sub woofers, Marshall amp and let rip, Paul.

    I recommend you download the soundtrack to this, select volume 11 and they'll never know what hit em...

  11. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Good old Lemmy, a man they could not cremate...It would burn for years...
    Andy Barr likes this.

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