or that should read thigh! So dedicated am I to the retro modding scene I am having my own crack at creating a Speccy 48k Laptop like this... https://zxrenew.co.uk/OMNI-128HQ-LAPTOP-Original-Speccy-Colours-pre-Order-p135842057 So I was trimming a plastic housing for the screen and slipped with the Stanley knife. Slashed across my thigh, an inch deep and four across. So after a trip to A&E and 4 stitches I am back home. Such is my dedication to the cause, I will post pics (of the zx laptop) whenever I am allowed to get back to it.
I did that with a Stanley blade to myself, though it was my arm and while installing insulation under the floor of my house (crawl space, no basement). mine was only about a 1x1 inch though too...
Yikes, what with me developing a flying kamikaze death-wish urge this week and now Robofruit Al deciding to get straight to the... point (and Matt joining in retrospectively), what gives with us lot - are these the first clear signs that we've HAD ENOUGH of this lockdown madness?
Didn't your government tell you all to #stayhome but also #staysafe? Maybe they also should have told you to #stayawayfromblades? Sure, they're watching us close now, they're taking care of us all, but please do collaborate a little more. Jokes apart, Robofruit, I am really amazed by the level of your dedication and passion for the retrocomputing cause. You should be decorated for staying on the front line and fighting to keep our retro computers alive against all those ugly PCs and notebooks. We almost had the first martyr of our silent war against mediocrity. Get well soon! We might need one of those Spectrum laptops from your lab!
Blimey, that looks like a nice bit of kit.... Sadly being that it is a Spectrum it will only serve as an ace door stop Hey I'm joking.......Looks great but try and avoid amputations..