1. Not old. Vintage. :)


Discussion in 'Looking to Rehome' started by nysavant, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    Might be of interest to any of you console fans :)

    The ED64 Plus is an SD card drive for the Nintendo 64. Lets you play rom images from any region on your Pal or NTSC Nintendo 64. Includes an SD card with over 600 games on it (NTSC and PAL).

    £50 including postage.

    ED641.jpg ED642.jpg ED643.jpg ED644.jpg ED645.jpg
    Andy Barr likes this.
  2. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Yeah, it's nice, but not got 200 notes spare for it and an N64. Also, there's too few N64 games I like to make it a thing for me.

    Never owned an N64, borrowed the shop's one to play Mario and that is about it. But if you have an N64, then it's a real nice purchase to get one of those carts.
    Andy Barr and nysavant like this.
  3. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    It actually just sold locally Paul. Turned out the guy lived five minutes away! Great device though (pretty sure Richie has the same one).

    I've just upgraded to another cart that does 64DD games as well hence the sale.

    N64 is an acquired taste but has some really nice arcade racers and an excellent version of Tetris. The official controller is still some freaky shit though lol
    Andy Barr likes this.
  4. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    I have a N64 and I use it now and then but there are some great games on there. The ones by RARE are good but so is stuff like Space Station Silicon Valley and Body Harvest by DMA before they went down the GTA route.
    Andy Barr likes this.
  5. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Yeah, you can count on a Rare game, can't think of a duff game by them. Not played Body Harvest, will have a look. I have history with DMA design, well David Jones, just looked on the Wiki and it's got one thing totally wrong on there. I was sent what was to become Menace to review, it was called from my memory, Draconius, the Wiki says Draconia, which I'm sure is wrong. But it also says the title was changed doe to the game being similar to a game called Draconius. That's not true, it was changed because there was a game with the same name which I informed the publisher of it (Psygnosis). Met David at a show that year and revealed the story to him and had a good old natter as it had caused mini hell as all the boxes etc was printed up..

    Also beta tested Courier Crisis at BMG when they turned into Rockstar.

    Is that Space station game what that is also named Jet Force Gemini?

    Box due to go out to your 2mozz...Sorry for the delay...Not been fun..
    Vyper68 and Andy Barr like this.
  6. by Vyper68

    Vyper68 Chief Officer

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    Interesting story mate, that Space Station Silicon Valley game is not the RARE game JFG it's about a chip that takes over various robot animals. Body Harvest has the open world game style where you can enter buildings and hop into vehicles and you can see the hints of GTA taking root but the hardware wasn't ready. The frame rate in Body Harvest is sub 20 fps and is probably more like 10 fps and it is very slow, but if you give it a chance it's quite fun.
  7. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    I'll need to explore some different games on the N64. I tried Hydro Thurnder the other day and had a great couple of hours playing it. Lots of fun.
  8. by Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine
    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine

    Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine Captain

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    Hydro Thunder was one of those games that landed on every platform and for me, it was very average, water based games sort of peaked with Wave Race (for me). To be honest, I'm not really in to driving type stuff unless it's got a real FUN / OTT stuff in it. Hydro Thunder reminds me of another title called Arctic Fox (a wannabe Battlezone clone), another game released on every platform, and again, was very 'meh' IMHO. All the ports were just so basic.

    Must have a look at some N64 stuff, just in case there's a gem I have overlooked. I know I'm very picky about games, I found the Zelda games hard to get on with, I could not get past the blocky almost smeared on low res textures. I'd gone from loving the 2D SNES game to this foggy, blurry game. I did play them and glad I did, the 'game' was fun...Again, me being super picky..
  9. by nysavant

    nysavant Chief Officer

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    I just discovered that I have already bought Hydro Thurder online a while back for the XBOX 360. Gave it a go, but think I prefer the N64 version, just has a more 'arcadey' feel to it.

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