Now that we've managed to get some time and usage with the Club, I thought I'd ask you how things are going with the following areas: Posting / Editing / Replying How's your experience been with the post/message editor? Are you able to include external links, videos, and attachments without (much) fuss? Do you use tags with topics you start, a blog that you manage, or articles? Thanks, in advance, everyone! --Tim
Everything seems o.k. to me so far, no issues beyond those that have been ironed out already, but I'm sure there are things I have not tried yet either. As for the tagging people, if that is what you are referring too, with "tags" otherwise I'm totally ignorant, it always works for me if I get the name right, but sometimes no bubble pops up to select from instead of typing it out, but for all I know that is entirely something on my end, as I'm still relying on Hughesnet Satellite service out here which down-right sucks by today's standards, in rural-outback-no where-fly-over-country...
________________ Hmm... When you have an opportunity, would you give another try at an attachment, Paul? If it still isn't working, please let know as much as you can and I'll try to replicate things here. Which browser? What type of file was it? What was the file size? Was there an error shown? Are you using a popup blocker? Also, have you tried an alternate web browser? I'm discovering that several sites I frequent are starting to block or break Firefox function on their sites again... and I loathe Google Chrome! Thanks, in advance, for your feedback! --Tim An Atari owner
Hi Tim, Anything atari ie atr, xex are all classed as not allowed extensions according to the site, zip files I have just discovered work. And yes I have had the same issues as you with Firefox and Chrome, I also found FF was grabbing loads of CPU depending on how many extensions you had installed so I tried Chrome which was better but again with time it also loads up the CPU. The trouble is that I use some of the extensions a lot so a browser that does not support that is a bit useless to me. May try FF again and see if they have fixed it but both Chrome and FF do this thing where each extension is ran as a task so there's numerous FF's / Chromes in task manager. All vying for my poor old cpu..
Go ahead and try once more when you might. I'll try not to go too far off-topic with what I'm about to write... I was disappointed that Mozilla switched to the Chromium engine. Google collects enough data on those using its services, and just as I was the Netscape user over those who simply went with Internet Explorer since it was already installed in the operating. I use Thunderbird over Mail or Outlook, although I'd be using Outlook Express to this day if it ran in the post-Windows 7 ecosystem because it was a fantastic emailer for those who wanted a lean, mean mailer. I use Thunderbird because I can't use Outlook Express (and the one-off that's available commercially as a clone OE is OK, but Thunderbird's free and has functional perks over OE Classic). I do have a large number of extensions / add-ons in both FF and TB. Most of it is security-related. I have a good mix of ad-blockers, script blockers, and third-party cookie blockers, but it's taken me years of trial and error to get where I'm at. And all of the extensions / add-ons are cross-browser interchangeable, which was paramount for me because I want to have the same environment whether I'm on a PC box, a Mac, or a Linux Mint box. Buuuuuuuuut, I also have a pretty hefty machine, as a result of once-disposable income from gainful employment. Now, if something goes on this system, replacement may no longer be an option, although I do have a back-up mainboard/CPU in the event of a catastrophic failure. And that by mere chance! Or blessing. How much RAM are you working with on your PC, Paul? And what CPU do you have under the hood? I'll assume you're running Windows 10 unless you say otherwise. --Tim
Quick Answer to the specs.. 16g ram i7 series 4 3.4ghz Actually Windows 7 X64 and a genuine one at that...
________ That doesn't seem shabby at all. Are you a tab junkie like me? I get the advantage of having each tab in its own process, but there has to be a more memory- and resource-friendly method to accomplish that. And websites are becoming sooooo resource-heavy now, too, making higher-speed internet access increasingly necessary... and costly, of course! --Tim
As regards your thoughts, I agree with your POV on the software and security is key now, I like most hate all this under hand telemetry and I try to keep away from MS products but sadly people like Avast were caught flogging details on and I'm totally sure 90% of the products pass on details now. I control via my firewall what applications can venture out by setting it to paranoid mode and monitoring every in or out, things like Thunderbird I set to trusted as well as my Directory Opus but I'm a little less trusting of most other stuff so if I see and instant outside call its blocked on the spot. Pretty much all the stuff I use is free or real, sure the free stuff could try and send data to make up for being free but I tend to find the free devs actually are like it because they dislike the stealing thugs like MS etc. My machine is used almost 100% for emulation and keeping track of my music, banking is done on the Mobile because it has a touch sensor which makes logging on both safe and easy, not that I have any money The only other thing my pc is used for is this, I detest typing on that bloody mobile...
Yes a bit of a tab junkie, I used to used that multi colour tab extn to try and keep track but yes, as the sites need more resources it gets a bit silly. Yes re the net speed, I'm on a supposed 80mb line but I get 70 out of it which is better than the average but how I coped before I cannot explain.. PS, thank you, the xex and atr now work as drag and drop
I'm liking the new avatar pic @Paul "Mclaneinc" Irvine , maybe it's time for me to put up a real (and not loony) and recent avatar pic of my own...oh, and by the way @Timothy Kline , I always did like your picture from what? 1985? Or have you managed to stay that young and handsome looking?
Ha, although it looks like I'm bald its just a very close haircut, I usually have it this time of year and got my daughter to run the clippers over my head. Still just about gota tuft at the front Had the barber been open it would have been a little longer but its only hair and mine grows back (where I have some) very quickly..
I'm getting there slowly but when its like a pad at the front I'll just shave it all off, no comb overs for me, I'm almost 60, looks are the least of my worries
My father did the comb- over for years and it looked absolutely ridiculous and I promised myself long ago that when I lose my hair I'm just going to do Buzz Cuts and eventually shave it all bald. At this point in my life, looks are the least of my worries too, except for having all my front teeth so I look respectable to my customers, other than that, I haven't cared for about ten years and my looks started going south in the last 5. At least my facial looks, my body is still, for now, looking as it did 25 years ago, except for age spots and a lot more moles I've acquired, I get that from my father as well. No sagging quite yet, but I'm only 51, I'm sure that will all change over the next decade.
________________ That is a scan of a photo from the Wayback you'll hear me refer to sometimes. My first home computer was a TI99/4A and cassette player I bought from a guy I'm still friends with today, although he's now in his 70s. He had upgraded to an 800XL and when I saw it it was love at first sight, although I settled for the TI until I could actually afford an 800XL from Toys-R-Us. I used a little 13" black and white with it, seen in the photo. I was a junkie for big-box speakers in those days, and I used a pair of nice box speakers to plant the all-in-one stereo I used primarily as an amp to get some boom out of the Atari once Bob and I figured out how to do it (information was scarce in those days). I loved that cat, and it still pains me remembering her. She was already living at the apartment my then-wife and I were living in, and sort of adopted us, actually. Just moved right in, although the 3 other strays were ferals, I think. They certainly remained wild the entire time that I lived there, but we fed them regularly so the cats always came around. Rodee, the tiny calico seen in the photo, we adopted, of course. She'd perch herself up in that "camper-style" little window and used it as her personal in-out since it led out onto the roof and then to the rear stairs. She'd perch in the window and watch me on the Atari. To the left, taped to the wall were my sheets of references that I culled from what few Compute!, ANALOG, and Antic magazines could be found. The cabinet seen on the wall to the left, below the window, was later replaced with this fantastic cartridge holder made out of cardboard, with these convenient, angled slots. I miss that thing, and I'm too lazy to put another one together. And yep, that skinny person is still somewhere inside. I think I ate him. --Tim
Cool. The avatar pic was too small for me to make out much detail, I didn't even notice the cat at all until you mentioned it. I assumed the computer was an XL, but not much can be made out by my old eyes from the avatar pic. I'm still that skinny person on the outside. I think it must be harder to stay skinny if you are married and have lots of good home-cooking, my older brother has gotten fat that way, but me and my younger brother (who was only married for a couple years in his early twenties) have stayed single and skinny.