Timothy Kline submitted a new resource: TOSEC: Tangerine Oric 1 and Atmos - TOSEC for Tangerine Oric 1 and Atmos Read more about this resource...
It's an excellent resource for Oric beginners. I also advise Oric Gamebase, especially for emulators (Oricutron) fans.
...and if anyone needs help setting up Oric Gamebase I can advise there as I think I had to "tweak" my settings there a little. I also think TOSEC has stacks of .TAP files which are very useful if you've just got yourself an Erebus "virtual" disk drive for the Oric, available here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1681465998799689/ PS. Great to see "Dazza" David Cercamon aka Mr C on board here too - welcome, buddy.
That video by Stephan is quite a good resource to learn how to use the Erebus SD interface as a storage device for the Atmos (it doesn't work with the Oric-1). Also if you use it in combination with an emulator, you can even type your own programs on PC/Emulator, produce a .TAP file and then run it in the original gear with the Erebus. I'm thinking about getting one sooner or later. PS. Thanks very much Bazza, it's good to keep in touch and talking about these "retro-treats".
Brilliant, Dazza and thanks for the heads-up on the Erebus only working with the Oric Atmos. Definitely good to talk - and you know how us lot LURVE to talk RETRO!