I will be carrying out some unplanned maintenance during this time. The forum will be placed in Maintenance Mode during this time (shouldn't take very long at all, really). The forum is being rolled over into a server I pay for annually, so I will be updating the DNS information as well. As the DNS change propagates across the internet, the site may flux between the former hosting account and the new one, so the best course of action is to wait for propagation before leaving Maintenance Mode. Once I've verified majority propagation of the site's new home, I'll post a follow-up post-- making it simple to determine if someone is still landing at the former IP address or not. After all of that is said and done, it looks like I have some new registrants to activate as well. . . so you may be seeing some new faces. --Tim An Atari owner
Great to hear from you, Tim. I hope that you and yours are well. Spotted you were on earlier and left you a greet. So long as the good ship Atari Owner sails on, personally I don't mind which server/hosting account we're with as we're in safe hands with your good self. Take care and bring on the new deckhands... we're keen to be introduced... All the best, Andy
The site rehoming went better than I anticipated (although I didn't stay up late last night to wait for the hosting team to complete the move), but please let me know in the next day or so if any issues are noticed. Keep up the good! --Tim An Atari owner
Everything seemed pretty flawless from my end. I came by while you were doing maintenance, which was indicated that it was down temporarily. I came back the next morning or whatever and everything seems fine. It's great to hear from you, by the way, Tim, even if it is just a post about moving the site. I'm slowly getting the train wreck that was my collection and setup back to normal after having to pile it all up where puppies couldn't reach (they managed to chew up a lot of stuff, most easily replaceable, but they got a few rare/collectible items. Also a year of dust to clean off everything too. All my restored systems need a deep clean and touch-up work after the commotion. Hopefully soon we will both be back on the forum interacting with others in our hobbies once again like when you were a regular contributor several years back. I miss those times...has anyone heard from Graham lately? I really miss that bloke too.
Lovely to get that feedback, Matt, and yes we do miss Graham. I used to hear the odd word/update but AFAIK he's had a lot of illness and medical conditions to cope with in the family so I get the impression the poor fella is pretty much a f/t carer these days. I do hope we all have a better year ahead in terms of what you guys too have going on in your lives as I know it aint a walk in the park for any of yous. Take good care, fellas, of you and your nearest and dearest.