LOL... This COVID19 is getting to you Matt Oh go on then, what do you want to fight about....As long as it gets resolved with one potato, two potato then I'm up for it
It's so true and so gut-achingly funny... I just can't "handle" this trashy modern life anymore... I need to have a lie down with a Jupiter Ace. (Wake me up when it's bin day!)
I don't have a problem with a person sexuality, having come from the teaching side I worked alongside gays and lesbians, never gave it a single thought, your life, your choice but now there all this Non Binary etc etc etc and all I can see is that its there just to be awkward and create arguments simply based on not wishing to conform to the basic notion that there are males and females, anything else is a genetic mistake. That isn't a slight its just the actual truth. These people have been given the ability to have forms that say other as a choice but nope, that isn't good enough for them, as per usual. I understand there are people who wish to stand up to authority but at least be doing it because there's a genuine provable grievance to begin with, not agreeing you are a woman if genetically you are is not a grievance, its a dislike. I just can't understand what these people want to achieve, to get away with actually existing when it pleases you.. Sorry, never going to happen, to be honest this virus proves exactly why that will never happen, we need to know where people are not just to supposedly spy on them but to keep things safe. Only personal circumstances stop people getting a cabin in the woods miles from anyone, it can be done but people will know you are there for each others safety. To be honest I'm just fed up of hearing all about this utter dribble, real life is already a challenge so creating these excuses to argue over something that most people have no care about is just another shitty trend and boy does the word trend really annoy these days..
I had a long reply, Paul got me worked up (it was basically all agreeing with him, but I also got further off subject) but thought maybe even though it was all facts and truth, might be considered by some to be political in some way. I'm happy to share with anyone the entire post if you PM me...I saved it. Here's just the first part continuing what you guys started only: I was talking about this with my brother the other night, as far as I'm concerned you are a PERSON out in the real world, no more, no less and deserve no special privileges, beyond genuinely handy-capped people. What you do with your personal sex life should stay PERSONAL and keep it in the bedroom. They deserve nothing more than anyone else just because of who they sleep with or want to PRETEND to be. If you have a DICK, you go to the man's bathroom, if you have a VAGINA you go to the woman's bathroom. PERIOD. Why the need to be so public about it? Do heterosexuals have parades for pride?!? Maybe we should, just to counteract them! Maybe I should start wearing 'HETERO PRIDE!' T-shirts! I'll throw a Trump hat in too boot! I said it as a joke, but the more I think on it, I could probably make a lot of money selling t-shirts like that!
Fella, I completely agree. We know folks who have gay sons/cousins/fathers etc and they have often pushed ideas at us saying come on the march this weekend, buy this in support of them and why not show solidarity with us by doing this, that and the other... You know, we try our level best to get on with anyone and everyone and are great believers in live and let live but when groups begin to make you feel like you should be promoting their own "cause" in some form of sexual expression - of what - gusto or extravagant outpouring - like you say, Matt, you feel like responding with - FEK THAT - I'm going to promote our own HETERO SHAGATHON! I can't for a moment think they would give us a second thought because of our sexual orientation so why should we be interested in theirs? Why do they think they need to shove their likes, loves and sexuality in our faces? This world is now completely and utterly shafted up to the most incredibly far farcical extremes of every Tom, Dick and Harry making out that their cause is just and the rest of us just don't understand or don't sympathise enough. We just shake our heads and politely walk away and if that offends some folks, then so be it. It's almost like they want to shout out whatever it is that floats their boat - fine, but don't shout it in our faces as it's just damned pushy, offensive and rude.
For me its like religion, I respect those that have religion and if it gives pleasure then I'm super happy for you, genuinely, but when its been pushed in my face and I'm getting called a bigot then IT is a problem. I have my reasons for not taking on religion but I do not push any agenda, I just do what is right for me as is my choice. What right have I got to tell you what to believe in, that's brainwashing and that is offensive and wrong. When we get the Bible people at the door I just say its not for me, thank them for calling and wish them well, when I get the one's who genuinely try to put a foot in the door then they get a different response, one they don't like, but hey ho, don't push stuff. I wish people would approach certain issues like this, sexuality, religion, politics etc all divisive but no one has the right to force any of them on you, alternatively you as a person have got just as much right to believe in any of them but the second you try and tell me what to do and think then again, you become a problem that I chose to solve in whatever way I feel is right and legal. My mother in law often says that she's praying to Allah for me and I thank her, that is religion done right, its a faith and a happy and caring way, I have zero problem with happiness and caring.
Spot on, Paul. Agreed. Bev's very much a secular, non-religious person and doesn't need the god-squad view to still appreciate her life and the beauty of nature and things all around her but when (for example) Sunday radio and TV begins to get overtly religious - off goes the set! With me having worked in schools showing a strong leaning towards faith - ie. Church of England and Catholic - I do have my sympathies in that the structure and support these organisations give to young people's lives - and old - and anyone else inbetween who gets solace and comfort - then just like you guys, I say good luck to them all. I'm somewhere inbetween belief and finding full-on religious dogma/control all a bit "not for me" but I do have that inkling that there's more to this existence than just the normal everyday so I guess spirituality and the appeal of "a better world afterwards" is something that keeps me going and gets me thinking somedays...
We all have 'faith' its what keeps us going and its a GOOD thing, what your faith is driven by varies from person to person, if a person has religious faith like my mother in law then great, it makes her happy, she's at no odds with anyone, that sounds wonderful to me and to anyone who has that sort of faith then good on you, I'm really happy for you and I wish as much happiness as possible on you. For me I have a different style of faith, its as peaceful as my mother in laws but its not religious, I'm far more science based and logic and explanation are a big part of my faith. Am I a danger to the world, I very much doubt it, certainly no more than a religious faith person. I co-exist with those that co-exist with me. Jobs a good 'un...
Just remember Those that want to be differentiated in anyway different from others, combine with others with similar thoughts, and shout out to the world around them. Those that don't give a shit about the beliefs they promote ignore it; that in some ways causes the majority to be towing the line for the minority groups. Unless of cause 'Dirty Harry' puts them right with his .44MAG Although the revolvers in the film were .41MAG, as no one had built a commercially available .44mag to Elmer Keith's design.
Gimme a .41 mag for my neighbours...Its 1:010am and still I have to put up with their noise... Child screaming.....I'm getting too annoyed...