Hi Guys, wanting to buy an 810 disk drive from this side of the pond, preferably working. Regards Andy
What a shame, fella - sold a working 810 to a guy about a year ago for less than £40 incl box and postage, Mr V. Sorry, mate but will likewise keep me ears open / radars & lugs active.
Hi Graham, top and bottom cases cracked, and badly discoloured. I'm trying the sunshine brightening on the top case to see how effective this technique is. Regards Andy
Hi Andy found these on FeePay from B&C (myatari) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/810-DISK...Atari-Parts-/143244624344?hash=item215a0b81d8 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Atari-81...-Disk-Drive-/143244629038?hash=item215a0b942e https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MPI-DISK...W-800-XL-XE-/143245874249?hash=item215a1e9449 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TANDON-D...e-800-XL-XE-/143245884414?hash=item215a1ebbfe Prices an't too Bad as the Mechs are new .. however the postage ... OOO not good.
Hi Graham, thanks for the heads up. As you say prices aren't too bad, but with postage and import tax it sadly makes them non runners. Regards Andy
Here is one for a good price, says free shipping. It's from the states but if free shipping is offered Internationally as it seems, this may be the way to go to cut down on costs. Though I'd think shipping costs incurred by the seller would eliminate any profit in the sale! It is for parts/repairs. The lower case is broken on one side. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ATARI-81...927487?hash=item1cf172f63f:g:ryAAAOSwTdpfQvtv
Nice 810 cheap-postage solution advice there, Matt and just to say, I'm lurving your (fairly) new pic you recently uploaded for the site. It just reeks of "Chief Occifer" and I approve massively. The guys(s) pictured look like they are enjoying "booting up" an early Sinclair with a notably wobbly RAM pack and user pics like this make me wanna change mine again soon to something equally appropriate, ie: This one for when Bev has been finally upgraded to DOS 6.22 and this one: ...to celebrate finally getting Windoze 7 stabilised on my Acer laptop (OK, so I had to go a little more 'retro' than I intended to get the thing working 'properly'...) As ever, comments please, you retro renegades.
An Apple type writer ? And for 1956 (way before I was born) a fairly racy picture of the Bionic women .. My piccy needs to be sorted out it's pretty crap ..but was fun being on a bike, however dangerous. Matt what did you do to the guy behind ?? he looks real mad
Actually apart from the case which Andy may have a better one for looks o.k but of course as Andy found nothing was left alone with all the chips blown and the drive mech with bits missing .. A chance you take I guess
I'm surprised you guys don't recognize the guys in my new avatar picture. @Vyper68 recognized them and left a comment in my profile when I updated my news feed. It's from the British comedy 'Man Down' and the two blokes are Greg Davies, in front, getting smashed against the car window by the legendary (R.I.P.) Richard Michael Mayall from the classic 'The Young Ones' and 'Black Adder', who plays the crazy, practical joking father of Greg's character Dan in the first season. Richard Mayall only appears in the first season, his character die, which I believe they did when Richard dies in between seasons.
Hell, Matt. That explains it but no, never saw "Man Down" but am a massive fan of Rik Mayall but it's a little tough to make him out in that image with the white whiskers as he usually looked like this in the majority of his 90s screen performances: ABOVE: As Richie Rich in Bottom However, we all slowly but surely begin to resemble Father Time and I can see in latter years he did indeed look more like: ABOVE: One of his final pics My fave role of his was in one of the 1980s Comic Strips - just after The Young Ones - when he played some freaked out 60s beat poet in The Beat Generation: RIP Rik - comic genius.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Atari-81...139298?hash=item3431c2a562:g:Zh0AAOSwNcpfcXgI currently at 99P £6 P&P
By the way, show me the link to this bit of kit! I'd love to get a vintage mechanical typewriter hooked up to my PC!
Heck, I don't recall what I did earlier today, fella, so heaven knows where I trawled this up from a week or so ago. If I do stumble across it again (probably on Pinterest) I'll let you know.
Nice to know Andy wish you luck .. if your intrested in a 1050 and no luck with those on line let me know.