Any one? Replaced one but now realise I need at least one more but ideally two.. Ebay prices are just silly...
I wish I had one to spare, but I finally have one SIO cable for everything that needs one...until I eventually get my second 1200XL running, but I've got yours and an 800XL in front of those. Hopefully my 800 will be working again soon, I've been working on her during our holiday weekend...sorry I can't send one along. But, Video 61 has extremely reasonable prices on SIO cables, which is where I finally got caught up with mine, after paying $20 each for two 3D printed one, from that guy on AA that sells SDrive-Max's complete. I wish I'd looked more carefully at Video 61 myself before I bought the first two! Of course I don't know if it would still be cheaper after shipping to the UK, but it might. It looks like Lance only has 3 foot SIO cables left, for $10 each, limit 3 (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page linked below). He had 3 foot and 6 foot cables when I ordered, and I think the price has gone up, I think I paid $6-7 for 3 foot and I got one 6 foot for $10-12. But 3 foot is the standard size, my 6 footer is probably way too long for most people, including myself, I should have bought 2 more 3 foot cables. The only way Lance does business anymore is via e-mail and Paypal. But he will get back to you the same day most times, occasionally the next day, sometimes in a matter of minutes or hours.
Thanks for the reply Matt, its not something I desperately need but something I can only imagine will fall in the pit of money makers on Ebay more and more.. My big problem is the postage, generally more than the item from the states and the then risk of import duty on the full amount and the fee they charge for administration that is usually more than the VAT content by miles. I'll have a look at Lances pages and see what the deal is.... As said I can build them with the really nice plugs from Lotharek and some cable if I get desperate..The 3D printed plugs I have on other devices don't fit in the splitter, I can shave them down a bit..
Wish I could find the ones I have here as need one for Vyper68... (Oh and I've about 4 or 5 located in a nice safe place ... could only find the one I shortened down to link drives stacked or next to each other .