1. Not old. Vintage. :)

Where to begin...

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by Timothy Kline, Feb 15, 2020.

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  1. by Timothy Kline
    Timothy Kline

    Timothy Kline Administrator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The Atari Owners' Club operates on a diverse, powerful platform with more bells and whistles than most people will use or need.

    As such, we recommend that you spend some time PEEKing and POKEing around to familiarize yourself with the features available.

    By way of an overview:

    Forums — This is where the bulk of the action happens as people engage in discussions of interest to them and others. The forums are arranged according to SIGs, or Special Interest Groups, and then broken down into more specific areas, such as software or hardware.

    Media — This is where users can set up their own albums and galleries to share with others.

    Resources — This is, as the name suggests, a repository of information that is of interest to those who enjoy both Atari and other 8-Bit systems.

    Blog — This is a section of the Club that allows members to offer their own "blog" for other readers to enjoy.

    Articles — This is where users can find articles written by members, including reviews and recommendations, how-to's, and more.
    Graham and M.D.Baker like this.
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