Hi As it says on the tin I am looking for a XE Keyboard ( condition or missing keys is not important ) or a working single layer mylar for a Mitsumi XE Keyboard.
Hi Mate, I did try to buy one off the seller but after I paid they asked for an extra £6 to ship it on top of the £6 I paid for shipping due to the Coronavirus affecting the postal service either that or wait until it gets better which will probably not be until July ( in my mind anyway ) So i asked for a refund and said i will have a look again later. Best Electronics have new QWERTY XE Keyboards for $36 so i am trying to look at all options.
Sad I know but not unexpected that people use misery to get cash....Best thing, vote with your feet and don't buy from them... For the money they are charging for hand sanitiser I'd expect it to cure Ebola or replace missing limbs!
Blooming hell, my 130XE start key has died... I HATE stripping them down, 2 gazillion little screws, don't think I've got any conductive paint to mend the pad if its that. BUGGER.... 65XE with Syscheck and its memory to the rescue..Can't be arsed...I know that works..
Well got bored today, can't imagine why and took my 130XE keyboard apart after the start key died. I patiently undid those shed load of little screws and was careful to store them (unusual for me). 1 second later fault found, the conductive track had simply eroded away, the pad and other contact pad are ok but the track has vanished so another key or more wasn't working either. And true to my thought I had no conductive paint but have placed an order for a little bit so I should be back to a 130XE soon. I bet I still manage to lose half those screws in between...
I found the problem on my Mylar today and managed to get it working again. The track had corroded underneath the green dielectric coating. So I had to scrape the covering away with a craft knife exposing the track underneath and the paint the conductive paint. I had to use the finest brush I could find as the gaps between tracks were very narrow. I have a little conductive paint left if you are in a hurry.
Thank you for the offer kind sir but I would not ask anyone to try and use a post office at the moment... I've got some on the way but looks like its a pretend UK dealer as the deliver is at the end of next week.. Glad you got yours sorted and thank you again for the really kind offer. Keep safe..
Well so much for conductive glue...My shite is more conductive.. I've edited this to make 100% clear that I've never got a multimeter and used continuity probes on my shite, I'm sure the water base would react but I have never done it for real ANy way, my turds have a mind of their own and I'd never be able to catch them..
Hi Mate, Do you want me to have a go at repairing it. I have Multimeter, Logic Probe and silver conductive paint as well. Richie.
See your inbox Richie, was going to take you up on your kind offer of the paint.. Don't really want to post the membrane as I'me sure it would get punctured, add to that I can't really afford to over pack it either, money is tight because my daughters gets no benefits as she's between college and Uni and at 20 they don't pay you so around a hundred quid a week worse off at the mo with me being unfit for work and my wife a low paid carer means its a tad tough but just about getting there. Very very few treats...